About Zack Stella

Ever since buying his first Ice Age starter deck in middle school, Zack Stella has wanted to paint dragons for Magic. 5 years of art school, 2 wacom tablets, 200 tubes of paint, and 5000 cups of coffee later, Zack has fulfilled his dream and then some, with over 100 cards in print and counting. He currently resides in Seattle with his lovely wife and menagerie of black animals.


R/GA, Tiffany & Co., Bombay Sapphire, Vitamin Water, Hennessy, Google, Panera, Enterprise, SBE, Sanofi, PhotoShelter, The New Yorker, TIME Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, NPR, Complex, Fortune Magazine, New York Magazine, XXL Magazine, GQ, ESPN The Magazine, The FADER, Stern, Mother Jones, Newsweek, Le Monde, AARP, US News & World Report, Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes Magazine, and Golf Digest among others.